For many years the décor and fashion industry has assured us that trends are cyclical, coming around every 20 years like clockwork. (That’s what explains the phenomena of the clothing you wore at 20 getting stolen from your closet by your daughter when you’re 40.) Or at least, that’s the way it always was…until the pandemic. The shutdowns, lack of toilet paper, and general unrest altered the timeline in ways we may never understand. Now the hot trend is Biophilic Office Design (also popular in 2015!).
A design movement inspired by nature, biophilic design is the process of creating a bridge between nature and our created environment. As the average person spends up to 90% of their life indoors, it’s a great way to feel connected and balanced! Although we lack the ability in North Idaho to truly embrace indoor/outdoor living all the time, there are still ways of embracing biophilic design in your own home. Here are a few tips:
Tip 1: Make it Green
The #1 facet of biophilic design is plants. Proponents of this trend embrace turning homes into veritable jungles, taking over kitchen walls with herb pots, and planting walls full of ivy and pothos. Depending on your green thumb, you can bring in loads of plants or focus on a few, but always have at least a few live plants. Ask your local plant center about options that will fit you and your home; some are much easier to care for than others or can handle warmer or drier homes. (My favorite is Fern Plant Shop. They have locations in Spokane, Liberty Lake, and downtown Coeur d’Alene – fernplantshop.com) PRO TIP: “Dead” corners are great places for large bushy plants, and you can boost them on an upside-down pot or small table to get extra height.
Tip 2: Light & Air
Biophilic office design prioritizes natural light and fresh air. Look for ways to keep doors and windows open whenever possible (screens help keep bugs out!) and open pathways for fresh air. Examine your home for blockages and work to improve airflow. If privacy is a problem, consider blinds that rise from the bottom so you can keep the top open, or bring in a room screen to create a secluded feel without blocking the entire window. Both natural light and fresh air do wonders for health and vitality, and the sound of nature can be incredibly restful. PRO TIP: If your room struggles with natural light, add a large mirror to help “bounce” light from a nearby window. It makes a world of difference!
Tip 3: Go Natural
Natural materials, textures, and shapes abound in biophilic design. Jute, rattan, linen, wool, and raw wood all help bring a natural element to your space and enforce the feeling of nature. Most homes are naturally angular inside and out; softening those lines with organic shapes and textures will make your rooms feel more natural and softer. PRO TIP: A great way to get a start on biophilic design is by adding a chunky jute rug, They’re low maintenance, visually beautiful, and wear well.
BONUS TIP: Look past the furniture and floor coverings! Adding decorative objects that come from nature like pinecones, raw wood, seashells, and dried grasses Natural items are healthier, too; minimal processing means less off-gassing and odd chemicals.