As I mentioned last week, I'll be taking a stab at what we, as individuals, can do about a massive global problem - Fast Furniture. Fast VIEW MORE
Decor Tip: Trends to Avoid (in 2022)
I see a lot of articles on home decor talking about trends to avoid. Much like impulsive tattoos on your derriere, some trends just don't stand VIEW MORE
Decor Tip: Making it Cozy
I've had several customers in recently looking for items to make their homes cozy. While it's true that the gray and white craze is fading, many VIEW MORE
Decor Tip: Adding Age
It can be really difficult to give the houses of today age and charm (without a full remodel). Houses just aren't built the way they used to be, VIEW MORE
Decor Tip: Thirft Store Secrets
As I've mentioned, I LOVE to thrift! I've been shopping second-hand regularly for many years, and could easily furnish quite a few houses with VIEW MORE
Decor Tip: Farmhemian Style
I've talked about it before - there is always a transitional period as one very dominant trend starts to fade, and decorators start looking for the VIEW MORE
Decor Tip: Eclectic Style
I mentioned eclectic style on my social media this past week, and got several comments. I think most of us can identify with eclectic style in VIEW MORE
Decor Tip: Organizing Pantries
I don't know about you, but my pantry is a constant source of difficulty. Despite my best efforts, it NEVER looks remotely like the pantries I VIEW MORE
Decor Tip: Pinterest Predictions for 2022 – Part I
Pinterest released their 35 (!!!) Predictions for 2022, so I decided to go off script a bit today and share some highlights. (If you want to see VIEW MORE