With the seasons changing, it’s time to clear your shelving of summer décor and make the move to a more autumnal look! Restyling the décor on VIEW MORE
Creating a Drop Zone
Do you have an established drop zone in your home? It’s one of those quasi-tidy spaces, generally near the front door, that seems to magically VIEW MORE
Making Your Home Look Expensive Part 2
Thank you all for the response to Part 1 of Making Your Home Look Expensive. I’m so glad some of the ideas are helpful! Here are a few VIEW MORE
Looking Expensive – Part 1
Here in North Idaho, the housing market has really skyrocketed. Prices are up, inventory is down, and many people are staying in their current VIEW MORE
Late Summer Refresh
Late summer can be a stumper for home décor. It’s a bit early for fall (and not a pumpkin latte in sight!) but your bright summer decorations VIEW MORE
Refrigerator Organization- for REAL People
Sometimes you get a warning, and sometimes things just die randomly. Appliances, that is. Either way, it can be a pain – as I well know, VIEW MORE
Biophilic Design
For many years the décor and fashion industry has assured us that trends are cyclical, coming around every 20 years like clockwork. (That’s what VIEW MORE
Books Taking Over Your Life?
Many of us really leaned into our personal libraries during the pandemic. It was not only a great opportunity to read more, but it also allowed VIEW MORE
Decorating as a Couple
Unless you have the rare fortune to marry someone who aligns with your stylistic tastes, decorating a home as a couple wall decor can be trying. VIEW MORE