I don’t know about you, but I love gutting out my closets at the first of the year. (Weird, I know!) It’s just so nice to start fresh, and even your long-term wardrobe will feel fresh and new. Here are a few tips to make it fun and less of a chore:
Tip 1: Gut it Out
Now is the time to really clear it out – down to the bare shelves. I’m always amazed at the items that have fallen down in the back…it’s like Christmas all over again! As you move things out, divide everything into piles – keep, donate, repair, trash, and so on. It’s easy to default into keep, too – really think each item through. Love isn’t enough! It also has to fit, be in good condition, have other items that match it, etc. PRO TIP: if you find quality items that are in nearly new condition, it’s worth looking them up on Poshmark or Mercari – there may be gold in your closet!
Tip 2: Clean it Up
Now that your closet is empty, it’s the perfect time to go to town and wipe down shelves, dust the closet rod and really vacuum the corners. It’s incredible where those dust bunnies will hide! I like to wipe everything down with a solution of water and vinegar with a couple drops each of Dawn dish soap and lemon essential oil. Helps repel dust. 🙂 PRO TIP: It’s easier to adjust shelving and measure for organizing bins when the closet is empty.
Tip 3: Organize Everything
Now that you have reduced the number of items you have (and hopefully you have!), it’s time to be super intentional about how you organize everything back in. It’s also a great time to evaluate the space and see how to utilize it better. A word of caution – don’t go overboard with fancy folding techniques from TikTok; folding your scarves into neat little triangles looks cute, but may be difficult to maintain long term. PRO TIP: Many of us aren’t blessed with built-in closets, so one of my favorite tricks is to utilize extra closet space for dressers. They make such great drawer storage! You can either use inexpensive ones or move your own in, freeing up bedroom space.
Bonus Tip: It’s been said that most people use 10% of their wardrobe 80% of the time. So as you move things back in, put everything in backward or upside-down. Hangers, shoes, etc. As you use it, put it away correctly. Anything that is still backward next January hasn’t been used in a year…do you still need it? It’s a great way to keep track!