Late summer can be a stumper for home décor. It’s a bit early for fall (and not a pumpkin latte in sight!) but your bright summer decorations are getting a little long in the tooth. It’s time for a late summer refresh! With a few simple tweaks, you can enjoy a décor breather before bringing out the pumpkins. Here are some tips:
Tip #1: Add White
White is not only restful and serene but also a welcome departure from the brighter palettes common in summer décor. Late summer is a great time to consider a quick room repaint (nothing is fresher than a coat of white paint!) or bring in the wow with decorative objects and linens. Either way, it’s a reprieve from the heat! PRO TIP: Later summer is also a great time to bring in a pop of rich color to accent the white, such as navy, mustard, or rust. As a bonus, a rich color or two will be a great segue into fall décor as the season nears.
Tip #2: Potted Flowers
For a quick fix, hit up the plant section! Potted bloomers are a great way to freshen up a space. Look for hardy options like Kalanchoes – they stay in bloom well and are easy to maintain. Another great option is the polka-dot plant; while it doesn’t have blooms, the leaves are brightly colored in shades of pink and red, giving the effect of blooms. PRO TIP: While at the supermarket, also look for other summer refresh décor like lemons, limes, and oranges. They’re great for pops of fun color!
Tip #3: Add Texture
Late summer is a great time to bring in fresh textures like new linens or rugs, change out lampshades, or bring in some fresh pillows. Bumping up texture is also a great way to create a solid base for fall decorating! Natural materials are very popular yet still timeless; burlap, jute, leather, hide, and rattan. Bringing any of these into your home will keep it fresh and ready for the jump into autumn! PRO TIP: A question I get asked often is how to clean jute rugs. As a natural fiber, jute does best if kept dry. Shaking and vacuuming should take care of most dirt, but if you need more scrubbing (such as for a spill!) you can go over the spot with a barely damp brush. If that isn’t enough, dry cleaning is your best bet.
BONUS TIP: For a fresh look, consider a large-scale art piece that is predominantly white. It will completely change the look and feel of your home, and is a great conversation piece!